With far greater knowledge, confidence, and problem-solving capabilities, individuals or entire families can greatly benefit (and grow) from newfound technology skills and competencies.
Our entire learning resource can be securely, and seamlessly accessed from a public library, school, college, or university website, creating a simple and efficient portal for educators and learners to enhance their IT knowledge, and understanding.
Register your organization or business and provide relevant, practical, and accurate IT training and up-skilling to your staff, management, and senior executives. Increase the productivity of your team with greatly enhanced IT skills, knowledge, and confidence.
One-Page Display | No Scrolling | Zero-Click Navigation
As the demand for computer and technology skills training continues to surge, particularly in light of the rise of AI, it has become essential for educators and learners to have immediate access to fast, accurate, and insightful information.
TheComputerSchool’s IT training platform provides an extensive collection of AI tools and apps, as well as traditional learning modules to equip educators and learners with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in this ever-evolving technological landscape we all now live in. Whether you are an educator looking to upskill yourself or your students, or a learner looking to expand your own skillset and competencies, or even a business seeking to maximise productivity using AI technology, our IT Training Resource has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve.
25 Years of Evolution, Knowledge, Understanding, and Service
First established in 1999 as an interactive online computer training resource, TheComputerSchool has evolved into one of the most comprehensive Technology Training Resources available. It offers advanced and innovative technologies that provide one-click direct access to more than 20,000 fully curated, and peer-reviewed IT-related topics, lessons and tutorials. Everything is available from just one single page, with no scrolling, and zero-click navigation across the entire resource for an effortless and seamless user experience.
Our learning modules cover a vast and diverse range of technology-focused content, including online safety and security for kids, tech for beginners, design and multimedia, digital photography, programming, web design, database management, networking, cybersecurity, and hundreds of free IT Certified Courses form top universities and learning institutions from around the world, and so much more.