With thousands of pages and links available on the internet, all making claim to offer high quality educational material, a specialized team at has spent countless hours over a nine month period researching and investigating selected content-providers to find the best-of-the-best quality material for inclusion in our Technology Training Directory (TTD).
We would like to acknowledge the high standard and exceptional work third parties have undertaken for the creation and development of their own educational content to deliver what we believe; is the best and highest quality training material available anywhere on the internet. Without their commitment and dedication to delivering exceptional training material, such a Directory as the one we have created would not be possible.
Many of the descriptions we use to define subject matter comes directly from Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopaedia of its kind, and we wish to acknowledge Wikipedia for the vast amount of high quality information they provide, totally free of charge.
With now having more than 14 years experience in creating and developing our own “How Do I” learning material, such knowledge and insight allows us to be able to set the standard of what is ‘an acceptable level of quality education’ to schools, libraries and other educational facilities. You can be assured that the training material offered via our Technology Training Directory (TTD) is of the highest standard available anywhere.
The myriad of topics that our Technology Training Directory (TTD) encompasses is vast and grows every week. We at take pride in delivering to all our users, quality material which virtually guarantees a high level of learning outcomes for all users.
Again, we would like to acknowledge makes no claim to have any endorsements, associations, relationships, attachments or connections, in any way whatsoever, to any third party whose links are offered via our Technology Training Directory. All third party material is freely available on the internet.
All email addresses and other personal information submitted through is kept strictly confidential. This information is never, in any way whatsoever, shared or disclosed to any third parties, or used for anything other than their intended purpose.
The information contained on, or referred to, in this web site has been compiled for your convenience and we invite you to access it at your leisure. It is to be regarded as general information only. has taken all reasonable care in producing this information but accordingly, shall not be responsible for any eventualities arising from the use of any information contained on, or referred to, in this web site, or any third party websites.
Again, we would like to acknowledge makes no claim to have any endorsements, associations, relationships, attachments or connections, in any way whatsoever, to any third party whose links are offered via our Technology Training Directory. All third party material is freely available on the internet.